With 10 trillion dollars under management, the investment firm BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world, and one of the greatest threats to the American family today.
In our economy, shareholders reign supreme. Every publicly traded company’s board is under a fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder returns. However, this system relies on those shareholders having basic rational economic interests, interests that matter less and less to BlackRock as their massive size allows them unlimited power to sway financial markets. Over the past 20 years, BlackRock has mainstreamed “environmental, social and governance” (ESG) which deploys corporate power — in this case, investment dollars — to pose an economic and cultural threat to everyday Americans.
Trillions of the dollars BlackRock manages come from the investments made by pension funds, public and private, that millions of American households rely on for security in their retirement years. However, BlackRock invests those dollars not based on what generates the best return for the households that rely on them but based on the social change they want to create in American society. For instance, they have pursued a “net-zero” carbon strategy that de-prioritizes the highly lucrative oil and gas industry out of their portfolio on one hand, while also hurting the industry that provides millions of blue-collar workers dignity and a way to support their families. Where BlackRock goes, trillions of dollars held by other companies follow, leading to a status-quo where when we need energy most, the dollars citizens put away for a secure retirement are being used to jack up prices at the pump.
In an era of skyrocketing inflation, caused by the corporate-friendly monetary policies BlackRock champions, they’ve sought returns in novel asset classes. BlackRock now regularly purchases entire residential neighborhoods with thousands of single-family homes before they ever hit the market. As a result, prices go up, families delay home-ownership, and BlackRock erodes a cornerstone of the American Way of Life.
Culturally, the “social” part of the ESG framework BlackRock champions is weaponized to attack families’ interests and values. Young men, especially white men, are victimized as part of a systemic Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) regime that damages their ability to support their families and leads to incompetent company leadership that causes businesses that employ thousands of people to collapse.
These incompetent companies, incapable of making great products anymore, instead engage in virtue-signaling games cheered on by their biggest shareholders like BlackRock. Companies have BlackRock’s green light to send billions of dollars to left-wing causes like defunding the police, transgender ideology, and mass immigration. This relentless cultural maelstrom confuses America’s children and destroys the iconic history of beloved American brands.
BlackRock’s war on the economic and cultural wellbeing of everyday American patriots makes their sheer size, power, and influence an existential threat to America’s families. It is time that policymakers act or risk the end of the American Way of Life.